Sunday, 7 October 2007


And we are home again, home again...

Jasper and Carrot seem mildly thrilled to have person movement in the house, but Forsythe is harder to read. Snail emotion is so difficult to gauge, you know.

Although it was not according to recommended travel behaviour, yesterday was mostly spent in comatose drooling. After short awake period, in which watched France upset New Zealand (after England routed Australia earlier, the last 2 minutes of which I listened to as eyes refused to crack open) and then half of Sleepy Hollow (quite a silly movie actually. Don't feel need to ever see the first half.), have managed to feel slightly recovered after 10-ish hours of sleep (not completely recovered, as cannot seem to manage the will to excurse to Tesco for some laundry detergent).

Trip was fun and rewarding (a month is a long time for a ), although I do have some insightful points to make regarding various items, such as Northwest Airlines being fairly the worst airline ever (but did encounter two lovely employees); certain aunties and uncles are lovely chauffeurs for various visitors to Austin; even anti-Starbucks British persons do seem at a loss when there is not an establishment readily available (in Schipol Airport); La Margarita restaurant in San Antonio Old Marketplace creates some lovely fajita meat; and the fact that iced chai tea is completely vile.

Pictures will be posted when I get m'self organised. So far, have only managed to unpack my windchimes, my two Marx Brothers box sets, my shoes and my wool...

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