Friday, 22 February 2008

The American Lawsuit Mentality spreading.

On the front page of the Telegraph today is the heart-warming tale of the engineer who is being sued by a cake decorator because she claims that the tip of her finger was severed whilst she was undertaking the socially necessary activity of shoving junk mail through people's letter-slots.

She is now unable to undertake her 'intricate work'. Not to be catty or overly personal (but I am Southern), but she does look like she has eaten a few too many of her failed cakes.

Item 1 (from The Daily Wail)
Item 2 (from The Telegraph)

Dialogue from the British ARmy Rumour Service (or ARRSE for short) which just makes me giggle.

On a much more depressing note: it is worrying me that Forsythe, the Snail may be an ex-snail. I am quite sad. We shall give him another day in the same spot until I remove the body and see if there is any hope.

On my field trip to Historic Norwich Churches tomorrow, I shall perhaps pray that he is not actually deceased. Or pining for the fjords.

And on the final depressing note, how is it already bloody Friday? Good heavens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he is just an ex-parrot not an ex-snail.
