Monday, 12 November 2007

7.30 a.m.

What genius decided that this would be a good hour for the exhibit hall at a conference to open? Who exactly is going to be there? No one; that is who. But Region X seems to be a little more emphatic that exhibitors be present during all exhibit hours than Region VIII since I have now been 'reminded' 14 times that I am to be downstairs at 7.30 tomorrow morning. The fact of the reminders is a little more annoying than the early hour; after all, I am on a rather earlyish body clock schedule. Am I 4 years old (no comments necessary here)? What are they going to do if I am not there -- tattle on me?

And I have missed all but about 24 film minutes of The Wizard of Oz since the dessert reception (at which exhibitors were to exhibit -- not themselves but their wares) lasted far past it's end time of 9.00 p.m. It is already to the part where they are going down the long hall to meet the wizard and the Cowardly Lion is covering his eyes...

And now, we have our alliterative section -- it makes me laugh when the Wizard says:
'You clinking clanking clacking collection of colligenous junk!' to the Tin Man
'You billowing bale of bovine fodder!' to the Scarecrow :)

Contacts now need to be removed from the eyeballs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fear they should have is that you are Timmykins leaving early to play a round of golf. I hope you don't have to do the dreaded "what's hot"