Tuesday, 13 February 2007

This could get...

A. Nnoying.

It seems that there is a conspiracy. A vast mental-health-wing conspiracy to drive Amrie MAD through the tortuous sounds of abandoned car alarms. When my dictatorship is established, there will be no need for car alarms because people who break into cars will be chained into an abandoned car and have to live there for a year -- rain, snow, etc. This will detract from their contributory status within society, admittedly, but perhaps they can be forced to knit chic creations for powerful international governmental figures. Yes, this sounds good.

It is a good thing that I am in a benevolent mood this evening due to my returning from work tonight and finding a Valentine from my wonderful Oma! She is the best card-sender there is and I am a horrid card-sender. It apparently skips the second generation (except Lindsey is rawther good -- maybe it is just me... sorry all for the acute lack of cards and general festively stamped correspondence. No, actually, Lindsey is the wonderfully wierd one as she is the only cousin who corresponds on paper... I must try harder.). Anyhoo, Oma through her forethought has prevented Purposeful Damage to Property this evening.

Alarm has been going off now for approx. 9 minutes and this is a) detracting from my writing b) contributing to my shoulder tension and c) stressing me out since my book is waiting (The Bourne Ultimatum). Oh dear -- such stress :) However, I highly recommend that it stop within the hour, as my ear plugs are somewhere in a box in E's upstairs hallway in Cardiff.

As of today, entire travel coordination is done for trip to Australia (hoorah), so the little diary entries can begin to be colour-coded (HOORAH!) and everything is now truly imminent. Today, was also an interesting day since the afternoon was spent interviewing candidates for a new position in the office. You would never guess that it could be so interesting to be arrested in Moldova for walking down the street. Another candidate looked exactly like Cousine the Lindsey!

Oh, praise the good Lord! After 17 minutes of mental pain, the alarm has stopped. On to the bookkkk -- nooooooo! again.... why, oh why, oh why?

It's dark -- surely noone else on the street will report me for PDtP.

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