Thursday, 15 February 2007

Daily Life

(other than the minor amusements that are my service to humanity)

Since my photo uploading has been very sparse for a v. v. long time, it has been pointed out that certain persons would like to know where I live (at this point, only one person in the immediate close friend group other than myself has seen Norwich. well, at least my Norwich.).

This is the house where I live with Sarah and Rob. Sarah is a youth worker and Rob (from New Jersey but sounds terribly British) used to be in university publications business -- random coincidence? Yes. Sadly, the Mini is not mine :( My room is the one on the left and comprises what used to be the garage (pronounced, 'GAIR-rudge' in Britain). I would take some photos of the inside but a) am doing my linens still (see previous entry) and b) my vexatious computer is saying something nonsensical about profile storage space.

My walk to work takes about 10 minutes and I walk through the university grounds and beside The Broad, which is the man-made lake here. This is taken from the path through the park and the university is up the hill past the trees to the right. Every morning, there are people out walking their dogs (have I mentioned the impressively mannered behaviour of dogs in this country?). There are some white dots as well in the grass; these are seagulls, and they do a little dance on the ground at random. My guess is that they are trying to get worms to come up. Or maybe they are just cold. Who knows with seagulls.

Oh, and this might be an interesting view. White buildings in the distance are the university and this vantage is about 1/3 of the way there. This is taken from the main road that is between the stairs at the end of my street and the beginning of university grounds. There are some cute fuzzy ponies that live in this field, but I missed them in the photo.

The Bunny Brigade is out in force when I walk home after dark , but they are rawther tricksy to photograph. This is the best that could be -- sorry Steffi!
(bunnies are located in the first 1/3 of the pic from the left. they are the two brown dots.)

Will take pictures at work. Took camera for an outing the other day and let it sit nicely on desk all day. Then it came back home with me :)

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