Thursday, 8 March 2007

Crazy people and trips

Crazy people not encountered on actual trip of holiday sort or in chemically induced state (caffeine does not count).

Yes, v. pleased with self for successful deduction of origin of anonymous package :) Merci beaucoup, Matthew :)

Find myself in quandry of intellectual awareness of need to sleep and absolute inability to do so. At least am not grinding teeth in display of tension, but brain refuses to stop spinning around making sure that everything has been thought of and worrying about falling asleep so soundly and missing 4am coach. Have set three alarms on my phone for extraordinarily loud tone at 15 minute intervals, beginning at 2.15am, so likelihood of above happening v. slim indeed. So why won't brain cooperate? Have drunk nearly all milk so as not to waste valuable dairy products (leaving small amount for 2.15am tea) and consumed half 300g bag of dried cranberries, (intended for sustenance on coach ride and absurdly long wait at Heathrow before flight). Now, I shall probably have to indulge in some sort of chocolate nourishment from duty free.

Glorious day today! And the thing about glorious days is that it brings the nutters outside as well :) Bussed into city this morning (had day out of office as travel preparation and 'rest' day, the latter of which is obviously NOT happening) to run some errands; after writing some cards in Starbucks to go with packages which should have been sent long ago (but which posting depended oddly enough on being paid first), watched people while finishing grande coffee in manner of leisured person able to spend weekday as one pleases.

Until I noticed an elderly little man across Gentleman's Walk from the Starbucks (in questionable state of cleanliness and quite tatty), dancing around to music emanating from small tape player (with attached extra speakers set on two stacks of six plastic boxes) -- with HAND PUPPETS (in equal state of tattiness and questionable cleanliness). One puppet was a dog and the other was a duck. The duck appeared to be wearing a hat. At this point, my attitude lost its calm and sophistcated aloofness and turned instead to infantile staring through window at this spectacle (and I texted some people in my amusement). Periodically, Dancing Man would stop and rub his nose with one or other of the hand puppets (justifying prejudice against his state of cleanliness). The whole thing was just rawther alarming. Dawn, E and Steffi replied that they told me not to leave Cardiff and E got large laugh out of saying this is just 'Normal for Norfolk'. Wish terrifically that had picture of this scene (although it wouldn't do justice), and had brought camera with me with great plans for taking photo of city walls from upper deck of bus as entered city centre. Had perfect seat on bus (the front left aisle up top and no one else up there to make me feel self-conscious for being goofy and taking pictures). Gorgeous day... and no bloody battery (it was being recharged overnight for upcoming venture). V. vexed with this situation. So bought some yarn. Although this was actually one of my errands as is part of a project... really!

Had to leave town and Dancing Man to devices sadly. Since had day-pass for bus, decided to de-bark (i love that word) on Unthank Road as there are some interesting shops there, and on way in had seen intriguing looking dress which would never wear but looked fun anyhoo in window of charity shop. Emerged from charity shop with brand new £44 pair of Gap summery trousers (with tags still on, £5) and nice Laura Ashley black dress (also summery -- reasons for this being that only have wintery clothes in Norwich and am going to summer locale for next two and a half weeks) and some books (d'accord).

Returned home again, home again, jiggetty jig. Threw remaining items into bag to check and repaired to office to meet quickly with Mark, collect suitcase of materials, and deliver both bags to security lodge on campus (to vexation of aggrieved man who didn't think that was a good idea, although it was allowed because 'Pete' or someone told me it was okay the other day, since security is not going to want to be roused to let me into The Registry at 3.30am, now are they?). Walked down by body of water -- not sure if it is lake or river -- on The Broad, which is on my walk home and sat in sunshine on fallen tree. Saw no hedgehogs in crisis, but did see some slugs. Ewww.

Made it home and am completely ready for trip and not tired at all, although have now spent approximately 4 hours pretending to be :)

Plan for trip is as follows
may not have will or ability to blog until I am in Sunday, 11 March):
3.30 am -- collect luggage from security
4.05 am -- coach from UEA
8.30 am -- arrive Heathrow
1.30 pm -- fly to Vancouver
3.45 pm -- arrive Vancouver (local time)
5.00 pm -- fly to Sydney
6.20 am -- arrive Sydney (without having a 10 March at all -- this whole concept amuses and thrills me for some reason)
6.30 am -- figure out how the heck to get on local time so as to work productively :)

V. excited about first work trip and hope I get back into the swing of recruiting. Hopefully, being so close to a beach will help!

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