Tuesday, 10 July 2007

A Very Busy Tuesday

For some insane reason, have been mostly awake since 2.54am. This is slightly annoying. And I am not tired. Although, if I should sit on my lovely new construction in the living room in a bit and eat my din-dinns, a coma may be induced.

Just for everyone's information, it is very very light at 4am. If one were so inclined one could go for a run and not need reflective clothing at all. Why one would be so inclined, I have no idea.

A mere few hours later, my front door was locked behind me at 7.08am and I arrived at 7.15 at The Maid's Head Hotel, which is in Tombland close to the cathedral, for Norwich Blackfriars Rotary breakfast meeting. The meeting was really a lot of fun and I now have a Bouncy Bug hand-puppet to make of a Swallowtail Butterfly.

Two weeks ago, I met a Rotarian at my UEA New Employee workshop, and she just happens to be the new President of the club :) It is a really lively club and everyone (as usual!) was fabulously friendly. It was my intention to meet local Rotarians much sooner, but life has been slightly busy :)

The speaker was from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust and was absolutely fascinating for her unabashed adoration of the miracles of the wild. Her description of owl pellets caused quite a bit of tittering amongst the members, but it was really cool! She works with children who visit one of the Broads, therefore the Bouncy Bug Butterfly colouring activity. (Must go buy some crayons!) The Swallowtail Butterfly in Britain only lives in the Norfolk Broads, and I think this is because the reed plant it eats as a caterpillar is only found here. When it is a caterpillar it's disguise is as black and white bird poo. (tee hee, titter)

After work, rushed to Futon Co. to meet taxi! Taxi was late. Nice lady in shoppe very chatty :) If I had lots of money I would buy things from her just because she is so nice.

Then nice taxi driver helped me unload 40 kilos of frame. Then I built it! In less than an hour and with not a profanity to be heard. Hoorah!

And now, it shall be sat upon and dinner shall be consumed (this is especially needed as I forgot all of my fruit today and had no lunch. My general habit lately is to eat a banana about 11, an orange about 1 and another fruity item about 3. I am becoming predictable.).

Tip for today:
do not buy Balsamic vinegar at LIDL. The top is rubbish.

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