Monday, 9 July 2007

A Beating, a beating!

Someone needs to give the boys who have decided to repeatedly kick a soccer (oops, 'scuse me -- foot) ball at the church/science discovery centre wall a very large beating. It is annoying the experience of my dinner.

However, as there is a small herd of them huddled vulture-like on top of the tomb, I think it had best not be me.

It will be so nice when I have my IKEA table and chair and can go out with my tea and knitting and glare malevolently at them like the 83-year-old biddy I am inside.

1 comment:

getmeaguiness said...

There are so many of us that are old fuddy duddies inside. I am another who thinks that they were not supposed to be born in the modern era and as a result are far too old fashioned for their age.