Tuesday, 12 June 2007


No. It doesn't.

Today, the cost per week figure on the same room as ranted on yesterday has been given to me as ... £53.48!!!!

(Apparently, the figures PUBLISHED in the brochure were WRONG. Riiiiiiiiight. Because that is a Good Practice way to communicate with customers. Let's not make little correcting labels and correct our bloody error or anything. Surprises are much more fun!)

In addition to our shekels and goat conversions (thank you, Eamonn), we should also keep in mind (I have been told) that PRICES ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in both per week and per day costs whether the student is:
* Autumn only
* Spring only
* Full Year


This just gets more baffling. I swear I am being driven to campaign for more MATHS and logic!


getmeaguiness said...
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getmeaguiness said...

Ah, I see they are using Fuzzy Set theory then. That makes much more sense than goats and sheckels. Fuzzy numbers are handy if imaginary number theory is getting the better of you. but the concept is slightly blurred!