Friday, 4 May 2007


So, in my inbox this morning was greeted with notification that the wine bar (named Willie's -- titter, titter) in Minneapolis, where I have scheduled a $3800 reception, is closing permanently and will not be able to accommodate my event. The Event which is scheduled 20 days from now. EEEEEEdiots! It was hard enough to find this venue in the first place, as 19,000 other events are scheduled by various universities for the conference of over 7500 attendees. This gives me heartburn. Am slightly in a giddy panic.

Anyhoo. The Queen is in the US to visit Jamestown, VA on the 400th anniversary of settlement. Sadly, on CNN this morning, they have a complete British stereotype prat delivering live coverage. He hops up and down; he grins toothily too close to the camera; he is just goofily trying too hard to be funny. It is tragic. But of course, everyone in the US is wetting their pants over it anyway, and a woman with a terrific ay-uck-sent (accent) on the news last night said she wants to meet the Queen today when she is in Jamestown. Bless.
Now, they are doing a news story on how to meet the Queen. How to dress and what rules to follow. All this, but no one here knows anything about Darfur or Zimbabwe... AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!

Have already woken family members this morning (remember the good old days when I would call people at silly-O'Clock in the morning on Saturdays? My poor family and acquaintances. Lisa A., though, would always get up and come over for Croffee and Paul has dogs, so that was okay, too. Everyone else just hated me.). Well, I had just talked to Britain where people are at work, and so I forgot it was not 7am yet here (oops) :) And Lindsey's email said to call her! Tee hee. She was all sleepy. Yet very accommodating of her 'special' cousine :) Will phone her back later...

In US news yesterday (the McPaper, aka USA Today), found out about money-making venture for my lovely friend, Vir-roo -- since she lives in Houston already. The headline is: Museum Pays Cash for Live Cockroaches. Anyone who lives in the South knows that this is a foolish financial decision. You don't need to pay for them. But 'EWWWwwwww!'

Then there was the GOP (Grand Old Party, for foreign readers, = Republican) Presidential Debate last night. It was entertaining and slightly informative, but I could only keep eyes open for about half of it. Have to say, I find Giuliani the best of the 10 (the news is using that new term 'nuanced' that we all know and love -- haha), although he is kind of subdued. Even the Mormon guy is totally cosying up to ticking all the boxes trying to make sure people know how 'holy' and Right he is. With his big whitened-teeth smile. All of them but Giuliani just seemed to lack any concept of individual thought. Nuanced, indeed :)

Am moving hotels today. It will be closer to alumni event for this evening and also to event for tomorrow morning. And there will perhaps not be porn on the bathroom wall. Here is picture; tell me what you see! (in the comment section below, please, so's everyone can have a laugh)


Anonymous said...

It can't help it, it's just drawn that way!!!

Anonymous said...

...eyes of the beholder! What shall I tell your mother that you see? It's okay to call me after 6 a.m. I will probably still be asleep, but will welcome the reminder that my alarm went off at 6!