Thursday, 19 April 2007

Logistics and Lepers

We shall go in reverse order, shall we?

It seems that LoosyAnna has had a detrimental effect on the epidermis of a certain E. Tracey. It seems that two weeks post-extreme-sun-exposure, he is flaking like a shower of snow from a winter tree branch (well, only if that tree branch is in a location tending to have a measurable annual snowfall, of course). Enquiries have been made into his moisturising treatment of said dermatological problem, but since he is apparently male, no preventative aging precautions have been taken. And we will not feel excessive sympathy for him, but maybe just a little, as he was under a sufficient illusion of climatic expectation to think he might need a coat in LoosyAnna at the end of March. Bless him.

(Yes, I know recount of events in La is still needed. Am working brain up to it... really.)

There is swivet going on at the office. And I am no part of it. Am quite calm about the whole thing really, esp. as am quite happy in my little corner next the window. Reason for swivet seems to be that they have hired (or are hiring) a person for whom there is no desk, due to increase in budget for more staff members (which is a good thing since this has benefitted me personally -- hoorah). Lack of desk needs to be solved before person begins work, no?

Well, logically, there is one place in the office where it should go and this is against a wall with an Absurdly Artistic Architectural Angle (5 'a' words in a row!). But in order to fit there, a desk will have to be custom-made. This is silly, of couse, so an attempt was made at a pre-fab desk and this just looks idiotic. Now there are arguments flying hither and thither re: sun exposure for the person who might be sat there; reasons other people's desks can't be shifted slightly (as if anyone can peer onto another computer screen 5 feet away at an angle less than 45* -- reaaaaally); and reasons that people cannot make their own space in a corner more efficient to allow a desk to face them even though their area is twice as large as other people's and the largest open area in the office is right in front of their desk even as it is now. Yammering gives me a headache.

Am going to see Hot Fuzz tonight (if am allowed into a student showing for £2.75 -- woo hoo!) and so am still at officina. Have rearranged surface of own desk in protest of illogical arguing in office -- AND to provide self with more logical method of organising information about two continents, comprising five countries (Aus, NZ, Canada, US, Mexico). Feel much better and have managed to place a filing box at an angle (oh, hoorah! i just love angles!).

My remote mouse appears to have gone on strike. Now I will look for something else to arrange whilst waiting for my movie.


Anonymous said...

So how was Hot Fuzz? I'm going to see it this weekend.

Pablo the amazing bouncing ferret

getmeaguiness said...

Angles are great, I especially like obtuse angles as I try to emulate them as often as possible. Right angles are the moset useful though, just take a look around and see how many corners you can spot!

Bonnie Blue in Wales said...

Yeah. So I see lots of angles, esp. as office is idiotic shape.

And, a disappointing thing was that I didn't get to see Hot Fuzz, as the stupid Union had apparently not researched their viewing space, it was already being used at the film time, and I was not willing to wait for an 8.45pm showing (my elderly condition makes me want to be eating Chocolate McVities and drinking milk by 10pm and if this is not possible, I am generally quite grumpy).

So, it is Pablo's job now to opine. Matthew tells us it is a depiction of his childhood or something... would that be in the church? (ha)