Sunday, 15 April 2007


Blogger has just thoughtfully informed me that I can now have the option of blogging in Hindi. This is quite exciting. And, although one would wish that I might be able to blog in Hindi, alas and alack, this is not to be. If it were possible, though, it might lend more credence to my claim to be a Linguist when people ask me how many languages are in my repertoire from my Masters. Attempts to explain what was actually studied frequently result in furrowed brows on the part of the inquirers, a suspicious narrowing of the eyes and a dubious turn of the head slantwise in apparent disappointment at my abilities.

Oh well. (Although, met a cool girl this afternoon whilst looking at a room to rent who did not look dubiously at me, so that was encouraging)

Today, a new £20 note appeared magically in the pile of notes from the ATM. This makes me happy as a) it has lovely dark blue print and b) I was completely unaware that these existed. It shall be saved and hoarded as long as possible.

There were two hot air balloons over the crests of the houses across the street earlier. However, they were moving slowly and as my plan of the moment was to bathe, I proceeded with this Cleanly and Godly Plan. And it was very good.

E has had a bit of excitement this afternoon as an assaulted lesbian being chased by coppers appeared over the garden walls into his back garden whilst he was watching Top Gear. B is in Spain and so missed the drama. E has had to go to his neighbors across the street (who were all out in front by the time the bloodied girl was escorted through his house to the street) and inform them that he was nothing to do with the situation. This made me laugh :)

Kneece left this morning after spending a Norfolk weekend with me! We had such a good time and it was fun to explore the city after having lived here for a while and not had a chance to do much exploration yet. We went to the Castle Museum (and it is really good! Although not as good as The Tower, of course).

Now that have finished my din-dins of pate and hummus, shall re-adorn my bed with new duvet cover. Have cleaned room today and actually mopped floor, too!

Yes, am quite aware that still need to complete info re: End of Oz trip and re: The Eamonn and Amrie Ark-La-Tex Variety Show, but cannot deal now. Tomorrow a.m., going to see studio flat at 10am and am totally stressing about whether it will be my home and what if someone else gets it before me (although this is impossible, as I am the first scheduled appointment, but we know how one's mind swirls about inanely making one paranoid). If one cannot tell, I really want this flat.

It is now cookie (biscuit) time. Comfort. Comfort. Chocolate... comfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love informing people that what they think linguistics is and what linguistics actually is are two different things...

But, then I have been called a snobby intellectual and an elitist before...