Tuesday, 21 August 2007

What the hey?

Pray tell, what business exactly is it of the EU to tell the Republic of Texas how to run its business?

It seems that the idea of capital punishment of a murderer is somehow more repulsive than mass killings of innocents in other parts of the world (Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Example 4) , but whatever. This is the same governmental organisation which formed a committee to argue the collective for Jaffa Cakes as either cakes or cookies so as to determine taxes, so why wouldn't we all listen to them? Maybe some dead girl babies and a few thousand people of the wrong race or the wrong faith really aren't such a big deal. Now, I understand the underlying questioning underlying 'wrongful death' discussion, but somehow it seems just that 10 years is a long enough time to prove the 'shadow of a doubt' which might have spared a jackass who shot a convenience store clerk. But let us consider only a couple of things about Johnny Ray Conner:

* he was identified as fleeing the scene
* he turned himself in

Generally, one doesn't either run OR turn one's self in if one is not guilty. His record is not so good, either, leading one to suspect incorrigibility.

Texas Attorney General case file.

I really am sorry for him; he may have had a horrible childhood, since he was already well on his way to the giddy heights of convicted murderer by the age of 10. He is possibly the product of incompetent social services and a disfunctional education system. For this I am sad for him and will pray for his soul. But I am not so sad as to want to (or want my friends and relatives to) pay for his free maintenance and upkeep since he cannot be a contributing part of society.

When one has a rabid dog, does one keep it in a little house and feed it, medicate it, counsel it incessantly and educate it in the legal profession until it dies of old age?

This being ranted, I am quite willing to parry objections to my point of view in a civil way. So, do feel free.

Have to go back to my online Scrabble game now...

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