Sunday, 4 May 2008

Happy Star Wars Day

May the fourth be with you.

And with you.

And you...

Maybe too much sushi is getting to me. But I like this new store I have located: Trader Joe's. It is kind of like a smaller, crunchier Whole Foods. I have eaten sushi almost every day in case anyone missed that point.

As further evidence of my full awareness of surroundings, I offer are a few of the things which have been encountered today (on my way to and from a college fair in Kent, CT -- it is almost as amusing as driving through Arkansas). I really suppose I need to take some people's advice and start on a book...

Today started out equally as gloomy as the past two days, but the sun showed fortitude and mosied forth just as the college fair started. This allowed me to take some reasonable (mostly non-driving) shots to share.

Sharing is caring.

I did not go to the Pet Cemetery, as it seemed inappropriate to take Bear there. (The most annoying name of a pet cemetery listed on the link above is: Heavens to Petsy. Oh, heavens to Betsy!)

Squash Hollow Road sign was merely a bonus in this shot (had seen the other end of it farther back down the road, but decided against u-turning to get a silly pic). Key item in this photo may be a bit difficult to spy, but getting a good photo was tricksy -- notice the mailbox, which is on a see-saw and which has a rope, presumably so the postman can pull it down??? Not too sure...

Not that I am obsessed with mailboxes today, but in my sundry turns to get the physics project mailbox, this just made me snicker. (I need to also try to get a pic of the building supply place here in White Plains, which is along the train line in: C.G. Thwackhammer -- I swear!).

And I really ought to have gone back to take a photo of the very elaborate John Deere tractor mailbox... maybe I can make amends on Thursday when another trip up Rt 7 is anticipated.

And finally, if you find yourself in a word duel with someone, you might be on Hardscrabble Road.

Some other amusements:
Bully Muck Brook (a brook)
Lime Kill Brook (another brook)
The Barn Yard (selling small backyard barns)

And a cringe:
The Garden of Bead In (a bead store)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Heavens to Petsy? Seriously?