Tuesday 17 July 2007

A Very Non-busy Tuesday

In contrast to last week's manic Tuesday, today is really rawther slow. But in a good way. I don't think there has been a slower day in quite a while, as I find myself rushing hither and thither far too much :) Some of us know how unbalanced Amrie can get when she is pushed and stressed, so not having to be anywhere has been lovely!

To ease the mama's mind, I have dressed myself (am not still in pajamas, as appealing as this notion is) and put on makeup about two hours ago. Kneece and I are sitting in the house on Glenroy Street not seeing Cardiff, and this is perfectly fine (Kneece is my friend from Shreveport, who after finishing her Master's at Centenary, moved to Cherbourg, France to teach English to primary school children. She had to renew her visa to a tourist visa last week and is looking for a job for next year...eek! We are quite hopeful that she will find a job and not be either deported or poor. She has come to Cardiff for my gradumatation!).

Things Kneece has done today:
* revised her French CV
* translated French cover letter into English
* translated French CV into English
* looked for jobs online
* posted CV online
* emailed re: several likely openings
* eaten a tomato sandwich

Things Amrie has done today:
* washed some dishes (from Mexican food we cooked last evening)
* sunk into depths of despair upon realising that she forgot her yarn to finish her tiny sweater for tomorrow
* pulled herself up by mental bootstraps and figured ingenious way of 'finishing' sleeves (this involved a fortuitously-brought piece of ribbon; Kneece approves and hysteria was avoided.)
* talked to the Greek
* talked to the Dawny
* made arrangements to meet the Gradumatation Crew at 8.30am tomorrow (ick)
* drunk three cups o' tea
* completed finishing on knitted purse for Steffi's birthday (which was in February)
* painted toenails
* watched some Jeeves and Wooster
* made tomato sandwiches

There does need to be some updating of events of the past weekend, as I have been reminded by someone who is in work and needs some entertaining reading... I shall do this now, although there will be no pictures. They are on camera. Connection for camera to upload pictures onto computer is in the same county as the aforementioned yarn... grrrrrr. Brain-dead Bruner. As my Daddy used to say, 'If your head wasn't attached to your shoulders,...' ...Oh look! A kitty!

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